Who Has What? - An App for Keeping Track of Borrowed Materials - iPad Apps For Schools

From ipadapps4school.com - Today, 6:03 AM

"I can’t tell you how many books, CDs (remember when we used those to listen to music?), and DVDs I’ve lent out and never seen again. Who Has What? 2 is an iPad app that could help me keep track of those things from now on. Who Has What? 2 allows me to create an inventory of the things that I lend by taking pictures of them or scanning their barcodes (the barcode function didn’t work as well as I hoped when I tested it). Once an item is in my inventory when I lend it out I just select it on my iPad, enter the name and or email address of the person I’m lending it to, and set a due date for that item. From the iPad I can send due date reminders to the people that I’ve lent my items to."


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