Video Tagging – Highlight Reels & Teachable Moments

For a small fee you can now tag videos to highlight key points and create teachable moments. Video Tagger has found its place with PE Teachers and Coaches as a means of tagging video as the action happens live. Tagging isn't just for the PE teachers, why not use it in your science class as part of flipping your classroom, or in social studies to highlight historical events.The power behind tagging is unless - it is up to you on how you will use it.

FrAppTapp (iPad Only)
FrAppTapp allows users to tag video post activity within the app with incredible power and precision. You can easily import video from your photo library or iTunes and export tagged clips.

Video Tagger (iPhone/iPod/iPad)
While FrAppTapp is useful for tagging video post activity. Follow the step by step guide to begin using the app like a pro in minutes.
Step 1 - Launch the app and familiarize yourself with the 3 buttons on the tagging screen. The Green arrow shown below allows you to switch between the front and back facing cameras. You can access the settings screen with the Orange Arrow and begin recording with the “Rec” button at the bottom of the screen.
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Step 2 Visit the Settings screen to make modifications. You can adjust the lead in and lead out time within the red rectangle. These settings work to ensure that you can identify and tag the events you desire. As you see something of interest you will need to press the associated button, the lead in time is then taken from the point at which you tapped the video, with the lead out time occurring after the tap. Lets say you identified an interesting elements 7 seconds into the video recording and tapped the button, a lead in time of 2 seconds would mean that the video segment would be take from the 5 second point, and with the lead out time of 3 seconds the video segment would end at the 10 second point. This would result in a 5 second video segment which would contain your desired point of interest.  You can also change the titles of the buttons to suit the sport/activity you are observing as well as modify the video quality to  suit.
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Step 3 Once you have your desired settings. Your ready to commence tagging. Hit the record button to see the screen below. As you witness things of intest simply tap the associated button to tag them for review later. Continue this process and press stop to begin processing. Processing times will vary depending on the length of recording and the video quality. A general rule of thumb is that 1 minute of recoding will equate to one minute of processing.

Step 4   Once processing has been completed, you can review your tagged videos by pressing the button identified by the white arrow below . The  merged video section includes the video segments you identified during the live tagging. At this point you can save the clips to your photo library for use in other apps. You can also watch back the entire recorded video
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Just get tagging!


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