PBL - Language Art Projects

This year our three middle schools are focusing on Project Based Learning (PBL), there are so many great resources available at all levels. The projects listed below have been labeled as primarily language arts projects by the providers.

Elementary School Projects
** ePalsDigital Story Telling - children write stories & share them with students around the world
GlobalSchoolNetProjects with deadlines - Flat Stanley & Salute to Dr. Seuss
iEARNLanguage Arts/Reading/Writing - 14 projects
** PBL Online - Language Arts Projects - 9 projects
Salvadori School - Language Arts Projects - 5 projects
SLICE - We Care About Fire Safety - grade 2
Teach 21 - Reading and Language Arts -  9 projects - grades 2-5

Middle School Projects
iEARNLanguage Arts/Reading/Writing - 16 projects
** PBL Online - Language Arts Projects -  8 projects
Teach 21 - Reading and Language Arts - 18 projects

High School Projects
iEARNLanguage Arts/Reading/Writing - 16 projects
** PBL Online - Language Arts Projects - 9 projects
** PBL Online - Foreign Languages - 2 projects
Envision School - Project Exchange - 15 projects
ReadWriteThink - Teens Create Books for Children
Teach 21 - Reading and Language Arts - 19 projects
Central York High - George Segal Meets the One Act Play - combining art with playwriting
CA Favier - Short Film for English Language Learners or Foreign Language Students
Bianca Hewes - Why does Amos write poetry? - Demonstrates 8 core elements of PBL 

All Grade Levels
Intel PBL - Language Arts Projects - 13 projects 
SLICE - Service Learning Projects - some of the 400+ projects are Language Arts, but are not organized by subject area


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